Allows the potential client and Hayden to (1) identify opportunities to be addressed AND (2) assess mutual “fit” for working together
The Connection Interview takes 60 minutes and is a structured series of questions focused on:
First, areas of leadership & management that present challenges
- Likely the initial focus of the coaching
- Opportunities for client growth
Second, potential client’s business philosophy(BP), personal values, and personality traits
- Basis for both to “connect” as people
- At a minimum, not in conflict with one another
Additionally, the Connection Interview allows Hayden to assess the potential client — is he/she:
- open, trusting, and engaging
- willing to consider new approaches
Both capacity and willingness to change are essential for an effective and meaningful engagement in coach/client work.
If Hayden invites the potential client to engage in a coaching relationship, then the decision to accept and proceed is in his/her court.
Read more on the Connection Interview
The Connection Interview is a necessary first step for a meaningful decision by both the potential client and Hayden to work together
The Connection Interview is a series of open ended questions:
- Exploring the candidate’s company
- Understanding related personal life
- Both in terms of goals, challenges, opportunities, disappointments, and fears
Both Hayden and the client in such interactions must be transparent in their thinking, motivation, observations . . .
. . . AND willing to express such to one another.
At the same time, Hayden must be non-judgmental and focused on understanding the client’s comments, actions, and reactions.
Occasionally, Hayden will ask: “How does that behavior or your comment serve you? Might alternatives serve you better?
As a result of the Connection Interview, Hayden will be able to assess the “fit” for a successful coaching engagement and to identify the areas where initially the client could be looking for specific assistance.