Connection Interview

Hayden Claisse

Allows the potential client and Hayden to (1) identify opportunities to be addressed AND (2) assess mutual “fit” for working together

The Connection Interview takes 60 minutes and is a structured series of questions focused on:

First, areas of leadership & management that present challenges

  • Likely the initial focus of the coaching
  • Opportunities for client growth

Second, potential client’s business philosophy(BP), personal values, and personality traits

  • Basis for both to “connect” as people
  • At a minimum, not in conflict with one another

Additionally, the Connection Interview allows Hayden to assess the potential client — is he/she:

  • open, trusting, and engaging
  • willing to consider new approaches

Both capacity and willingness to change are essential for an effective and meaningful engagement in coach/client work.

If Hayden invites the potential client to engage in a coaching relationship, then the decision to accept and proceed is in his/her court.



Read more on the Connection Interview

The Connection Interview is a necessary first step for a meaningful decision by both the potential client and Hayden to work together

The Connection Interview is a series of open ended questions:

  • Exploring the candidate’s company
  • Understanding related personal life
  • Both in terms of goals, challenges, opportunities, disappointments, and fears

Both Hayden and the client in such interactions must be transparent in their thinking, motivation, observations . . .

. . . AND willing to express such to one another.

At the same time, Hayden must be non-judgmental and focused on understanding the client’s comments, actions, and reactions.

Occasionally, Hayden will ask: “How does that behavior or your comment serve you?  Might alternatives serve you better?

As a result of the Connection Interview, Hayden will be able to assess the “fit” for a successful coaching engagement and to identify the areas where initially the client could be looking for specific assistance.


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