Many executives have found great value in Hayden’s coaching
on his “networking process” as defined by his TenCs
” Hayden Claisse shared his Ten Commandments for Networking with me fairly early in the process the 1st time I was in transition. Quite candidly, I was like a deer in the headlights, and needed some guidance. As time went on I developed my own search methodology – I took all of the recommendations that were offered and blended them into a process that I was comfortable with for me.
” I recently revisited Hayden’s Ten Commandments and see what a strong influence they had on the methodology I ended up using – I use 7 of the 10 exactly as recommended and 2 with slight modification. The only one that I disobey is the one on relocation, since I am not willing to relocate.
” Bottom Line: Hayden knows his stuff. Like all such things, it may take time for you to recognize the wisdom in his recommendations, but it is definitely worth accepting them on faith up front. ”
Andy F., VP Operations, Service Businesses
“I would say that the value I got from our conversations was first, structuring an approach to my networking/career exploration and second, creating a robust set of tools and materials. These tools included a clearly articulated story in my resume, a target list that made evident my focus, and a networking note with the right (actionable) information for the audience. I also appreciate the help in getting organized for this multi-month effort. ”
Sandeep K., Director Corporate Marketing
“ Hayden, I greatly appreciated your coaching on your Ten Commandments of Networking and the process it represents. Your guidelines on resume format are right on. I appreciated the structure of this process and its method for building a successful network. This really helped me get started and gave me confidence in evolving the process to fit my style. Ultimately, a good friend and former co-worker introduced me to the hiring manager where I successfully found my new position. The process works but, not surprisingly, required discipline and follow through on my part. Hayden, thank you for your support and the many introductions you made on my behalf. ”
Dan H., VPGM of High Tech Product Mfgr Division
” Hayden’s Ten Commandments of Networking was the right message at the right time for me. They gave my search for a new career direction, focus and structure. Using the tools Hayden coached me in, I quickly expanded my network and now use them as a basis for growing my own business. Thank you, Hayden! ”
Paul Y., VP Global Operations, Manufacturing Business